Please get in touch for the latest information about any of our meetings.
Sunday Services
We meet weekly on Sunday mornings at 11am in the Goods Store. Our gatherings consist of singing, praying, Scripture reading, communion and also teaching from the Bible. We also have tea and coffee after the service for a chance to chat, catch up or ask questions. Everyone is welcome on a Sunday!

Ladies' Bible Study
The ladies meet fortnightly for an interactive Bible study. Preschool children are welcome to come along too.
Men's Bible Study
The men meet on the last Sunday evening of the month to dig into some good food and the Bible.

Home Groups
We meet fortnightly on Wednesday evenings at 8pm in Belturbet town and Milltown for an interactive Bible study.

Good News Club
The children meet weekly during term time for games, crafts, competitions and to learn more about the Bible.